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من‭ ‬شيما‭ ‬هستم‭ .‬دختري‭ ‬كه‭ ‬خانواده‭ ‬ام‭ ‬از‭ ‬بزرگ‭ ‬خاندان‭ ‬عشاير‭ ‬ايل‭ ‬قشقاي‭ ‬،‭ ‬تيره‭ ‬هيبتلو‭ ‬است‭ ‬،‭ ‬پدرم‭ ‬و‭ ‬مادرم‭ ‬كه‭ ‬تا‭ ‬جواني‭ ‬خود‭ ‬را‭ ‬در‭ ‬ايل‭ ‬سپري‭ ‬كرده‭ ‬بودند‭ ‬هنوز‭ ‬دل‭ ‬در‭  ‬گرو‭ ‬آن‭ ‬داشتند‭ .‬سالها‭ ‬پيش‭ ‬كه‭ ‬از‭ ‬بين‭ ‬رفتن‭ ‬ايل‭ ‬خود‭ ‬را‭ ‬ميديدند‭ ‬تصميم‭ ‬گرفتند‭ ‬تمام‭ ‬زرق‭ ‬و‭ ‬برق‭ ‬زندگي‭ ‬شهري‭ ‬را‭ ‬كه‭ ‬بخاطر‭ ‬تحصيل‭ ‬فرزندان‭ ‬ناگزير‭ ‬شده‭ ‬بودند‭ ‬انتخاب‭ ‬كنند‭ ‬كنار‭

‬گذاشته‭ ‬و‭ ‬براي‭ ‬حفاظت‭ ‬از‭ ‬محيط‭ ‬زيست‭ ‬و‭ ‬حفظ‭ ‬فرهنگ‭ ‬وسنن‭ ‬خود‭ ‬به‭ ‬ايل‭ ‬باز‭ ‬گشتيم‭ .‬بيش‭ ‬از‭ ‬ده‭ ‬سال‭ ‬فعاليت‭ ‬محيط‭ ‬زيستي‭ ‬براي‭

‬حفظ‭ ‬مراتع‭ ‬و‭ ‬حيات‭ ‬وحش‭ ‬و‭ ‬محيط‭ ‬زيستمان‭ ‬اين‭ ‬ايده‭ ‬را‭ ‬در‭ ‬ذهن‭ ‬پدرم‭ ‬بوجود‭ ‬اورد‭ ‬كه‭ ‬براي‭ ‬حفاظت‭ ‬از‭ ‬اين‭ ‬محيط‭ ‬زيست‭ ‬ميتوان‭ ‬از‭ ‬گردشگري‭ ‬با‭ ‬الگويي‭ ‬مناسب‭ ‬استفاده‭ ‬كرد‭ ‬و‭ ‬الگوي‭ ‬گردشگري‭ ‬جامعه‭ ‬بنياد‭ ‬را‭ ‬براي‭ ‬اولين‭ ‬بارتوانستيم‭ ‬درايران‭ ‬اجراكنيم‭. ‬ما‭ ‬ك‭.‬ما‭ ‬به‭ ‬دنبال‭ ‬ايجاد‭ ‬كمپ‭ ‬عشاير‭ ‬نبوديم‭ ‬ما‭ ‬


The Heybatlou tribe always helped local‭ ‬activists to protect their nature‭. Therefore‭, Mr. Amiri, ‬the head of the Amiri family, came up with the idea of community based tourism and built‭ ‬a very friendly and nice environment for tourists who are interested in experiencing the nomad life‭. ‬


They hope that the visitors ‬not only get to experience this unique environment‭, ‬but also to get the motivation to join them to support those unique people and improve the level of knowledge‭ ‬about them‭. ‬

 ‬The difference‭ ‬between this program and a lot of similar ones about the nomad life is‭, ‬that it’s not a show‭, ‬everything is as real as it is‭.‬

Mr. Amiri and his family

Mr. Amiri and his family

در تماس باشید

an insight into Persian nomads

‭‭ ‬عشاير‭ ‬يك‭ ‬پروژه‭ ‬چند‭ ‬رسانه‭ ‬اي‭ ‬درباره‭ ‬عشاير‭ ‬در‭ ‬ايران‭ ‬است‭. ‬از‭ ‬‮٨٠‬‭ ‬ميليون‭ ‬ساكن،‭ ‬امروزه‭ ‬پنج‭ ‬ميليون‭ ‬نفر‭ ‬هنوز‭ ‬زندگي‭ ‬عشايري‭ ‬دارند‭ ‬در‭ ‬سال‭ ‬‮٢٠١٧‬‭ ‬سه‭ ‬قبيله‭ ‬ي‭ ‬عشايري‭ ‬مختلف‭ ‬در‭ ‬فارس‭ ‬و‭ ‬شمال‭ ‬غربي‭ ‬ايران‭ ‬ملاقات‭ ‬شدند‭. ‬اين‭ ‬كتاب‭ ‬نتيجه‭ ‬ي‭ ‬اين‭ ‬سفر‭ ‬است‭ ‬كه‭ ‬با‭ ‬طرحي‭ ‬مناسب‭ ‬هدف‭ 

ASHAYER‭ (‬tribes in Persian‭) ‬is a multimedia project with the aim to bring more awareness about the nomads in Iran. Together with a photo book, this community based tourism program embodies this project.


‬عشاير‭ ‬يك‭ ‬پروژه‭

‬چند‭ ‬رسانه‭ ‬اي‭ ‬درباره‭

‬عشاير‭ ‬در‭ ‬ايران‭ ‬است‭. ‬از‭ ‬‮

0098 9336542149 / 

0098 9176160131

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