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Before arriving‭, ‬please get some‭ ‬knowledge about the culture and the‭ ‬

environment you will travel to‭.‬

During your stay with the Heybatlou nomads, there are also some rules that visitors have to follow‭:‬

1. Please use transportation that harms‭ ‬the nature less‭.‬‭ ‬

2. Please support the small businesses of‭ ‬the nomads‭.‬

3. Please don’t give money to children and people because it leads to beggary‭.‬

4. If you want to give the people and the‭ ‬children any money‭, ‬please inform the‭ ‬representatives before‭.‬


5. Be careful of the animals and insects while taking a walk‭ ‬

6. Be respectful towards the culture of‭ ‬the locals‭.‬

7. Please don’t take pictures of tents and living places of locals without asking them‭.‬

8. Don’t throw your garbage and trashes ‬into the nature‭.‬

از‭ ‬امكانات‭ ‬حمل‭ ‬و‭ ‬نقل‭ ‬كه‭ ‬كمترين

اسيب‭ ‬به‭ ‬طبيعت‭ ‬برساند‭ ‬استفاده‭ ‬شود

‭ ‬لطفا‭ ‬از‭ ‬اقتصادها‭ ‬و‭ ‬كسب‭ ‬و‭ ‬كارهاي‭ ‬كوچك‭ ‬محلي‭ ‬كوچك‭ ‬در‭ ‬سفر‭ ‬حمايت‭ ‬كنيد‭ ‬

لطفا‭ ‬به‭ ‬كودكان‭ ‬و‭ ‬افراد‭ ‬انعام‭ ‬ندهيد‭ ‬زيرا‭ ‬باعث‭ ‬پرورش‭ ‬تكدي‭ ‬گري‭ ‬ميشود

‭ ‬در‭ ‬هنگام‭ ‬پياده‭ ‬روي‭ ‬و‭ ‬گشت‭ ‬در‭ ‬محل‭ ‬مراقب‭ ‬گياهان،‭ ‬حشرات‭ ‬و‭ ‬ساير‭ ‬موجودات‭ ‬باشيد‭ ‬تا‭ ‬آسيب‭ ‬نبينند‭ ‬

‭ ‬آرامش‭ ‬حيات‭ ‬وحش‭ ‬را‭ ‬بر‭ ‬هم‭ ‬نزنيم‭ ‬

‭ ‬با‭ ‬خريد‭ ‬محصولات‭ ‬محلي‭ ‬به‭ ‬اقتصاد‭ ‬بومي‭ ‬كمك‭ ‬كنيد‭ ‬

به‭ ‬خرده‭ ‬فرهنگ‭ ‬ها‭ ‬و‭ ‬بايد‭ ‬ها‭ ‬و‭ ‬نبايد‭ ‬هاي‭ ‬مردم‭ ‬محلي‭ ‬احترام‭ ‬بگذاريم‭ ‬تا‭ ‬باعث‭ ‬مشكلات‭ ‬نشويم‭ ‬

لطفا‭ ‬بدون‭ ‬اجازه‭ ‬از‭ ‬منازل‭ ‬و‭ ‬چادرهاي‭ ‬مردم‭ ‬بومي‭ ‬عكس‭ ‬نگيريد

از‭ ‬سرو‭ ‬صداي‭ ‬بيش‭ ‬از‭ ‬حد‭ ‬در‭ ‬محيط‭ ‬پرهيز‭ ‬كنيد‭ ‬

زباله‭ ‬ها‭ ‬را‭ ‬در‭ ‬محيط‭ ‬رها‭ ‬نكنيد

با‭ ‬تشكر‭ ‬از‭ ‬همكاري‭ ‬صميمانه‭ ‬شما

an insight into Persian nomads

‭‭ ‬عشاير‭ ‬يك‭ ‬پروژه‭ ‬چند‭ ‬رسانه‭ ‬اي‭ ‬درباره‭ ‬عشاير‭ ‬در‭ ‬ايران‭ ‬است‭. ‬از‭ ‬‮٨٠‬‭ ‬ميليون‭ ‬ساكن،‭ ‬امروزه‭ ‬پنج‭ ‬ميليون‭ ‬نفر‭ ‬هنوز‭ ‬زندگي‭ ‬عشايري‭ ‬دارند‭ ‬در‭ ‬سال‭ ‬‮٢٠١٧‬‭ ‬سه‭ ‬قبيله‭ ‬ي‭ ‬عشايري‭ ‬مختلف‭ ‬در‭ ‬فارس‭ ‬و‭ ‬شمال‭ ‬غربي‭ ‬ايران‭ ‬ملاقات‭ ‬شدند‭. ‬اين‭ ‬كتاب‭ ‬نتيجه‭ ‬ي‭ ‬اين‭ ‬سفر‭ ‬است‭ ‬كه‭ ‬با‭ ‬طرحي‭ ‬مناسب‭ ‬هدف‭ 

ASHAYER‭ (‬tribes in Persian‭) ‬is a multimedia project with the aim to bring more awareness about the nomads in Iran. Together with a photo book, this community based tourism program embodies this project.


‬عشاير‭ ‬يك‭ ‬پروژه‭

‬چند‭ ‬رسانه‭ ‬اي‭ ‬درباره‭

‬عشاير‭ ‬در‭ ‬ايران‭ ‬است‭. ‬از‭ ‬‮

0098 9336542149 / 

0098 9176160131

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